Applying DTN to Mobile Internet Access: An Experiment with HTTP
Bibliographic Entry
Jörg Ott, Dirk Kutscher; Applying
DTN to Mobile Internet Access: An Experiment with
HTTP; Technical Report TR-TZI-050701,
Technologiezentrum Informatik, Universität Bremen; July
The DTN architecture and protocol specifications developed
in the IRTF provide a platform for communication in
challenged networking environments. The delay and
disruption tolerant messaging service is inherently
asynchronous in nature and generally used by specifically
developed applications, e.g., to exchange data between
intermittently connected nodes. Intermittent connectivity
is also experienced by mobile users as they usually cannot
rely on being always connected in a wireless
environment — and thus will also benefit from a
disruption-tolerant networking infrastructure. This paper
explores applying the DTN architecture to interactive
access to Internet services based upon HTTP as non-trivial
example and discusses the protocol requirements, analyzes
performance implications, and discusses issues with DTN as
a communication substrate.